Cheyenne Craft Cartridges

5.000,00 ISK

Hér eru á ferð Cheyenne Craft nálar  sem eru þær sömu og Safety nálarnar frá Cheyenne. Það eina sem breytist er að hylkið er frábrugðið og verðið er mun hagstæðara. Annars eru membran og nálarnar sjálfar þær sömu. Kemur nú í glærum see-through hylkjum. Í hverjum  pakka eru 20 stk af nálum

Cheyenne Craft
There are not enough products in stock

Image Cheyenne Craft Price Quantity
9-shader 20stk 5900
13-magnum 20stk 6200
13-magnum-se 20stk 6200
23 magnum se 20stk 6900

Cheyenne Craft Cartridges have all the qualities you have come to expect from Cheyenne: Excellent needle cartridges that are easy to use and replace. The internal membrane will protect your machine and client by stopping any fluids moving up and down the tip. What sets the Cheyenne Craft Cartridges apart is the simplified design: The plastic tips are made from a single mould of medical grade plastic. They are designed to withstand the continuous movement of the needles, so they will not break up and release small bits of plastic into your client's skin. The Craft cartridges are available in the 19 most popular configurations.

Key Features:

Needle Types: Liner, Shader, Magnum, Magnum Soft Edge

19 configurations

Single mould casing

Medical grade plastic tips

Safety membrane

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